Print Image on Desktop Printer Using GDI+

Universal Document Converter works like a virtual printer that saves any document you print as a raster PDF file or as an image file. You can use a post-print feature of Universal Document Converter to apply additional processing to every output file. Below is an example of one of several post-printing solutions.

// You can automatically send copy of each image file produced by
// Universal Document Converter from your application using GDI+.
// You must initialize GDI+ in your InitInstance() function using
// "GdiplusStartup(...)" and release it in your ExitInstance()
// function using "GdiplusShutdown(...)".

#include "Winspool.h"
#include <atlconv.h>
#include <gdiplus.h>

using namespace Gdiplus;
#pragma comment (lib, "Gdiplus.lib")

BOOL PrintImageUsingGDIPlus( char* szPath, char* szPrn )
  LONG     dmLen;
  HANDLE   prnHandle;
  HDC      hDC;
  UINT     dimCount, frameCount;
  GUID     *pDimIDs;
  GUID     pageGuid;
  float    width, height;
  DOCINFO  di = { sizeof(DOCINFO), "Printing My Image" };
  if( !OpenPrinter( szPrn, &prnHandle, 0 ) )
    return 0;

  dmLen = DocumentProperties( 0, prnHandle, szPrn, 0, 0, 0 );
  pDM = (DEVMODE*)new char[dmLen];
  DocumentProperties( 0, prnHandle, szPrn, pDM, 0, DM_OUT_BUFFER );
  hDC = CreateDC( szPrn, szPrn, 0, pDM );
  delete pDM;

  if( !hDC )
    ClosePrinter( prnHandle );
    return 0;

  if( StartDoc( hDC, &di ) == SP_ERROR )
    ClosePrinter( prnHandle );
    return 0;
  Graphics graphics( hDC );

// Loading image from file
  Image image( A2W( szPath ) );

  dimCount = image.GetFrameDimensionsCount();
  pDimIDs = new GUID[dimCount];

// Get the list of frame dimensions from the Image object
  image.GetFrameDimensionsList( pDimIDs, dimCount );

// Get the number of frames (pages) in the first dimension
  frameCount = image.GetFrameCount( &pDimIDs[0] );
  delete pDimIDs;

  pageGuid = FrameDimensionPage;

  for( UINT i = 0; i < frameCount; i++ )
    StartPage( hDC );

    image.SelectActiveFrame( &pageGuid, i );
    graphics.SetPageUnit( UnitInch );
    width = image.GetWidth() / image.GetHorizontalResolution();
    height = image.GetHeight() / image.GetVerticalResolution();
    graphics.DrawImage( &image, 0.f, 0.f, width, height );
    EndPage( hDC );
  EndDoc( hDC );
  ClosePrinter( prnHandle );

  return ( frameCount > 0 ) ? TRUE : FALSE;

  • «Universal Document Converter  is a instrument that allows me to do my CRM consultant work much faster. It converts Documents for my clients,  in various Formats such as  PDF, docx, and even image diagrams in  JPEG, BMP, PCX, PNG, with the best conversion quality!»