Save a Document as a Bitmapped PDF

By default, Universal Document Converter will save any document as a searchable PDF file. It means that the text contained in the document becomes searchable by a key word or a phrase. It also means that anybody who will receive this document by email will be able to copy any text from it. To disable Copy & Paste option, convert your Word documents to bitmapped PDF. Please follow the instruction:

  1. Open the document and click Print
  2. Select Universal Document Converter from the list and click Properties
  3. Go to File Format, select PDF Document as output format and select Bitmapped PDF (like on the screenshot below)
  4. Click OK to start saving a document as a Bitmapped PDF.

Change PDF type: searchable or bitmapped

  • Lori Hamilton

    Cameron LNG, USA

    «Universal Document Converter is beautiful and runs so smoothly! I will get a lot of use out of it. I'm the only designer at this site, and every department needs some kind of file converted all the time!»