Convert Autodesk AutoCAD Drawing to PDF with Ease!

To convert an Autodesk AutoCAD drawing to a PDF, do the following:

Click “Plot…”. Select the “Universal Document Converter” printer from the list and click the “Properties” button. Click “Custom Properties”.

Click “Load Settings” and open the “Drawing to PDF” profile. Click “Post-Processing” and check “Open output folder”. Click “OK” to apply the settings.

In the “Plot area” dropdown menu, select “Extents”. Click “OK” to start the conversion process.

Your drawing is now converted to a PDF!

  • Thomas Vass

    Owner of The Private Capital Market Crowd Funding Website

    «I have used Universal Document Converter since the very first versions as my sole tool for making document conversions. It works flawlessly and is very user-friendly. I recommend the product for all business applications.»