Now using the Universal Document Converter we can get the file size down half as much!
Reuters Limited is part of the Reuters Group of companies, of which Reuters Group PLC is the ultimate parent company. Reuters Group PLC – Registered office address: The Reuters Building, South Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London E14 5EP, United Kingdom Registered No: 3296375 Registered in England and Wales.
Nick McMahon from Reuters Limited said:
We produce monthly reports that go out to exec members of the organization. These reports are produced in Excel and all the results are collaborated on a slide deck with spend analysis and information. We use the Universal Document Converter to copy the analysis to the slide deck. Before the Universal Document Converter the total file size of the slide decks were huge. Now using the Universal Document Converter we can get the file size down half as much…which is much better when sending out to a long list of execs within the organization as they do not appreciate large files in their mailboxes!