Universal Document Converter Benefits for Archiving System

Constructing a system to archive documents is very simple. Configure Universal Document Converter as an “Entrance Gate” for the submission of documents to the archive and sit back and enjoy the reigning harmony! Modern electronic archives have tons of advantages over their old-fashioned paper counterparts. They do not require separate buildings and a staff of archivists, and it is much easier to find information in them. Finally, electronic archives save us from cutting down forests, since an infinite number of documents are held exclusively in electronic form. However, contrary to widespread opinion, creating chaos in an electronic archive is as easy as easy can be. If it is an enormous number of various individual papers that causes chaos in your paper archive, confusion in an electronic archive may arise due to the many various formats of electronic documents. What can be simpler than storing documents in the same format in which they were created: drawings – in DWG, texts – in DOC, tables – in XLS, etc. However, such an approach in the formation of a corporate archive has several serious disadvantages. The main one is the low probability that each user of the archive has the programs installed that are necessary for displaying all the files of the formats stated above. In addition, time does not stand still, and documents which were submitted to the archive several years ago could become inaccessible, since the firm may no longer use the software with the aid of which the documents were created. It is worth noting also that certain documents can contain complicated file structures. For example, drawings may contain links to attached image files, while tables may contain links to databases. Another problem is the necessity to obtain and deploy server SDKs for every file format in order to make it possible to automatically index documents as they are submitted to the archive. As a result, the great variety of formats of electronic documents gives rise to an enormous expenditure of time and resources of the firm on testing the compatibility of the archiving module with each installed SDK. The last straw is the fact that documents created with the aid of programs which do not have server SDKs turn out to be not accessible for automatic indexing. It becomes obvious that the storage of all types of documents in a single format is a necessary system requirement for a corporate electronic archive. At the present day, the choice of a single format for a document flow system comes down to a choice between Adobe PDF and TIFF. Both of these formats are standardized by the ISO committee for the exchange and storage of electronic documents. However, the structure of Adobe PDF files is too complicated, and the implementation of full-scale functionality for work with files in this format requires many years. Therefore, the market of server SDKs for the automation of access to data in the PDF format remains almost exclusively in the domain of the firm Adobe that has developed this format. Is it even worth mentioning that such a situation on the market allows the firm Adobe to assign higher prices for its own product? The structure of TIFF files is a lot simpler. Therefore a solution for working with documents in this format is not only more feasible, but is also more varied, since there are many independent developers available. Having chosen TIFF as a single format, you can be confident that documents submitted to the archive will always be readable, since in the selection of installed programs on all operating systems is a program for viewing files of this format. Indexing documents in the TIFF format is not only easy, but often does not cost anything. On the market there exist tons of programs, including those free of charge, which do a fantastic job of dealing with this task! An additional bonus for converting documents into TIFF before archiving is that since they will be in a bitmapped format, it is as if they “freeze” their contents within themselves. This feature not only allows documents to be viewed on any computer without distortion, but also protects them from accidental additions and changes as well as making unsanctioned copying more difficult. For quick conversion into TIFF, the company fCoder Group, Inc. suggests using Universal Document Converter, its trademark creation. A characteristic feature of Universal Document Converter is that after it is installed, it appears in the list of printers, and in order to export your documents into the required format, all that is required is to simply “print” them with the virtual printing device. The resulting copies of documents and drawings will always correspond to the original since all programs display and print files in their own proprietary format much better than products of independent developers. It is possible to configure Universal Document Converter in such a way that it will immediately save files that are converted into TIFF into the archive server. As a result, from the point of view of the everyday user of the document flow system, the process of submission of documents into the archive will appear like printing on a printer with the name “Universal Document Converter”. Since any employee from any department can print a document, you do not have to spend time on training personnel. The ease of use and countless possibilities for implementation make Universal Document Converter increasingly popular and in demand by professionals in many countries. Use Universal Document Converter in your document archiving system and you will see how simple and effective your corporate document flow will become!
  • Alan Schoen


    «Universal Document Converter is so user-friendly that one doesn't have to remember anything in particular about how to use it. It's structured in such a common-sense way that it just automatically explains itself to the user.»