Color management options, auto-crop feature, bookmarking, and more – in FolderMill 4.8

The new version of FolderMill, software for automated file conversion and document printing by fCoder, was released! The latest version has several useful features for images, PDFs, and other file types.

FolderMill: Document Printing and Conversion on Server or Workstation

“Now my workflow is quick, easy, and reliable. Printing documents should be easy, and now it is thanks to FolderMill” – that’s what they say about FolderMill. Indeed, the software lets you simply drop the files that need printing or conversion to FolderMill’s “Hot Folder”. As a result, document processing gets fully automated since there’s no need to manually convert or print each document. Below are some of the new abilities that FolderMill 4.8 has to offer.

Color management options: preserve CMYK colorspace and use ICC profiles

Now you can fine-tune colors before you print images to your printer or have them printed professionally by a print vendor. FolderMill allows you to preserve the native CMYK color space of input images. That means you can keep the CMYK color space of the source files when converting files to TIFF, PDF, or another format. Besides, FolderMill can now perform color space conversions to CMYK or RGB if it is necessary.

Also, you can set a path to a file containing a specific ICC profile (e.g., FOGRA 39) – and FolderMill will apply it during the processing. With FolderMill, you can embed an external ICC profile to TIFF or JPEG images.

Ability to auto-crop raster files automatically

There’s a new feature for better processing of raster images called AutoCrop. Once enabled, it will automatically crop to the edges of an image to be printed without unnecessary blank space. It is also possible to set background color and tolerance for this feature. This feature can be especially useful if you often process shipping labels or other types of labels with FolderMill.

Create new or keep existing bookmarks in a PDF

FolderMill can now save files as PDFs containing bookmarks. That means if your input documents already have bookmarks, they will be kept in the output PDF. And if you merge two or more files, FolderMill can create bookmarks in the resultant PDF as well. These bookmarks can have the same name as the source files or another (naming can be adjusted via a template).

You can learn about these and other features of version 4.8 by clicking the link below.

See all improvements in version 4.8 →