The principal interface providing access to the capabilities of Universal Document Converter


Enum ActivationMode

Universal Document Converter activation method. It is both readable and writable.
AM_SILENT0Software activation is transparent to user.
AM_WIZARD1Activation wizard.

String DefaultPrinter
Returns or sets the user’s system default printer. It is both readable and writable.

IPageFormat PageFormats (Integer formIndex)  or  PageFormats (String formName)
Provides access to the IPageFormat interface which controls page formats. It is both readable and writable.
formIndexIntegerPage format ID.
formNameStringPage format name.

IUDCPrinter Printers (String Name)
Provides access to the IUDCPrinter interface which controls the Universal Document Converter virtual printer. It is both readable and writable.
NameStringUniversal Document Converter virtual printer name.


Activate ()

Enables Universal Document Converter to be pre-activated. Otherwise, software activation will start automatically when any method or property of the IProfile interface is first called. The activation mode may be set prior to calling this method using the ActivationMode property.

AddPageFormat (String sCustomFmtName, Float W, Float H, Enum Units)
Creates a new page format in the Universal Document Converter format list.
sCustomFmtNameStringNew page format name.
WFloatNew page format width. Valid range: between 10 and 3251.
HFloatNew page format height. Valid range: between 10 and 3251.
UnitsEnumUnits of measure used for the new page format height and width. May take on the following values:

RemovePageFormat (String sCustomFmtName)
Deletes a previously created page format in the Universal Document Converter format list.
sCustomFmtNameStringName of page format to be deleted.


Visual Basic 6

Dim objUDC As IUDC Dim itfPageFormat As IPageFormat Set objUDC = New UDC.APIWrapper ' Choose activation mode objUDC.ActivationMode = AM_SILENT ' Perform activation using selected mode Call objUDC.Activate ' Set "Universal Document Converter" printer as default in system objUDC.DefaultPrinter = "Universal Document Converter" ' Add custom page format Call objUDC.AddPageFormat("My Format", 10.25, 25.1, UNIT_IN) Set itfPageFormat = objUDC.PageFormats("My Format") ' Delete custom page format Call objUDC.RemovePageFormat("My Format")